Simulators & Emulators Our Solutions
With today’s ever shirking budgets one needs more cost-effective ways to perform testing, integration and training.
Cybicom Atlas Defence has developed numerous systems for various leaders in the defence area for land, sea, subsea and air. We have helped these customers develop a competitive edge allowing them to provide test and training tools for their respective markets.
Cybicom Atlas Defence is a world leader in Periscope Simulation and Team Training tools. Get in touch with us about your fixed or rotary wing team training requirements!

The Periscope Simulator (PSIM) has been developed in conjunction with the South African Navy (SAN) to provide a training facility to simulate the Zeiss SERO 400 Attack Periscope found on board the SAN 209 Class Submarines.
The PSIM consist of various electrically and hydraulically activated mechanical components and custom developed software modules. The mechanical components consists of the Ocular Box (Periscope) including motor drive and hydraulics, Hoistable Mast Panel (HMP) and Control and Display Unit (CDU). These have been designed to replicate the look and feel of the real equipment on board the submarine.
The training functionality, simulation of the periscope optics and control of the PSIM is made possible by the software modules PSIM Control, PSIM IWS and PSIM IG.
PSIM Control
This software module manages the interfaces between the software and hardware components of PSIM, which consists of the following:
- Motor Drive (physical rotation of the periscope)
- Hydraulics (Raising and lowering within eye height adjustment range)
- Periscope Ocular Box Left and Right Control Panels (menus, buttons, displays and indicators)
- Hand Grips (controls azimuth rotation, elevation, magnification)
- HMP Panel (Switches for raising and lowering the ocular box and corresponding Status Indicator lamps)
- CDU Unit (Switches the ocular box on and off)
- Intercom (Instructor microphone activation)
PSIM Instructor Work Station
The PSIM Instructor Workstation (IWS) provides the instructor with an intuitive, user friendly graphical HMI. The IWS allows the instructor to perform the following training and administration functions:
- Scenario Management (Scenario creation/modification, including environment settings)
- Simulation Control (Start, Stop, Pause simulation)
- Simulation of Air Target Dynamics
- Simulation Playback (Replay)
- User administration and access control
- Visual Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) indications
PSIM Image Generator
The PSIM Image Generator (IG) is responsible for rendering the graphical images seen by the operator when he looks through the eyepiece of the periscope. The graphical display includes the rendition of the terrain, sky, clouds, ocean, sea targets, air targets, environment, weather and visibility. The image generation also depicts the sea states, wind direction, time of day, moon phases and angle of the sun. The parameters are configurable and set by the instructor via the PSIM IWS module.
The IG also responds to commands from periscope operator entered via the periscope’s control panels and hand grips. These include rotation, elevation, magnification, selection of various optical filters, etc. The resultinggraphical effects are rendered in real time in the operators eyepiece display.
All the software was designed to run on COTS PC hardware including the PSIM IG which makes use of the highly sophisticated Pregasis Vega Prime suite of graphics libraries and simulation algorithms to achieve the best real world feel possible on a PC.
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Naval Bridge Simulator
The CAD Naval Bridge Simulator is designed to facilitate training of a bridge team in safe navigation of a vessel as well as all other aspects of naval operations and evolutions such as self-defence, flight operations, formation manoeuvring, etc. The basic configuration (scalable upwards) has an integrated bridge desk with conning, radar, propulsion and systems management (including damage control) and tactical/navigation positions. Inter-console inserts contain all internaI and external communication operator units and various control panels such as helo management, weapon cut-outs etc. In addition, pelorus, bridgewing gun controller and navigation cabinet simulators are available. Deck- and bulkhead repeaters are fitted appropriately.
The Naval Bridge Simulator comprises three multi-function bridge consoles, IPMS station and an instructor workstation. The bridge simulator is laid out in a generic naval warship configuration which allows for effective training of naval crew in various naval manning situations.
The Naval Bridge Simulator utilises PRESAGIS Vega Prime for high fidelity graphics and simulated environment modelling. Presagis Stage is used for scenario handling and management and implements simulation interfacing standards such as DIS and HLA for ease of integration with other similarly equipped simulators. VAPS XT has been used to recreate realistic instrumentation allowing the operator a clear concise feedback within the HMI.Image generation and display are accomplished by high-end PCs and low-bezel full-HD display wall technology. The hardware allows for deployment within a compact footprint and in facilities with low ceilings.
Vega Prime
The Naval Bridge Simulator makes use of PRESAGIS Vega PrimeTM to render their respective 3D environments in real-time. Ideal for both high-performance and low cost hardware platforms, Vega Prime’s extensible plug-in architecture facilitates the rapid design and prototyping of real time 3D applications by utilizing the most sophisticated technology available, within an easy-to-use toolkit. Vega Prime is used to create simulation applications that are completely customizable, scalable, and leverage open standards such as CDB and OpenFlight™.
The instructor component of the Naval Bridge Simulator is a customised version of PRESAGIS STAGETM. STAGE simulation software provides users with the ability to generate and execute complex scenarios for training and analysis. From flight simulation training to new concepts analysis, STAGE is the ideal tool for solving critical problems in simulation applications, including:
- System Specification and Design Analysis
- Naval Training and Mission Rehearsal
- Virtual Test Bench
- Battle-Lab, Command & Control
- Military Embedded Training
- First Responders and Homeland Security
- Network Centric Operations
The Following Are Key Features Of The Bridge Simulator:
- View from naval bridge with realistic ship motion.
- Multi-video wall displays.
- Multifunction bridge consoles.
- Realistic helm controls.
- Tactical Picture Overview and WECDIS functionality.
- Simulated RADAR Display.
- Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) instruments.
- Scenario definition.
- Compact installation footprint including facilities with low ceilings.
- Control over all simulated entities, including vessels, aircraft and helicopters.
- Set time of day.
- Control over weather conditions, including:
- Sea state
- Cloud cover
- Precipitation
- Visibility/Fog
PRESAGIS VAPS XTTM is used to create the Instrumentation Displays. VAPS XT provides a rapid prototyping, design, and deployment environment for the creation of 2D and 3D photorealistic graphical displays, including instrumentation and equipment models, specifically for real time 3D simulation and training applications.
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Multi Level Simulator
Cybicom Atlas Defence (CAD) is proud to announce the launch of our Helicopter Flight Deck Trainer (HFDT) prototype which was demonstrated at AAD 2012.
The simulation system combines custom developed gesture recognition software and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) motion tracking hardware, PRESAGIS modelling/simulation software, the Stage scenario generation tool and VAPS XT interactive graphical interfaces.
The HFDT is a flexible modular system that can be supplied in various levels, from a simple, portable, desktop trainer to a multichannel, high-performance tracking system that can accommodate multiple trainees and provide full 360o high-fidelity simulation with full environmental simulation, including sound, wind and heat.
The system can use a basic helicopter model controlled by the instructor, and can also be integrated with a range of COTS helicopter simulator packages. Cybicom Atlas Defence can also integrate the HFDT package with other simulators to provide a wider range of training capabilities. To demonstrate this, the HFDT was linked to its own periscope simulator (PSIM), enabling a “submarine captain” to watch the helicopter operations abroad a frigate.
Cybicom Atlas Defence is a joint company formed by Cybicom Africa Technologies Pty Ltd and ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH to support the ISUS-90-45 combat system of the South African Navy’s type 209 submarines.
The company has also developed a man-portable, multisensory stimulator and emulator for use in testing and evaluating electronic sensors and warning systems, and a submarine combat system engineering testbed for the Navy.
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Airborne Observation System Simulator
The Airborne Observation System Simulator provides a flexible, COTS based solution to airborne sensor operator training. A typical configuration would include scenario management provided by Presagis STAGE™ software as well as a pilot simulation module. For standalone training the pilot module functionality can be replaced by STAGE™. In this case control of the aerial platform may be done directly through STAGE™ using a joystick, or by using waypoint navigation.Waypoints may be defined in the scenario planning phase or adjusted during the running of the simulation.
The sensor operator view is a simulated high definition view from the television camera or thermal imaging sensor. The view may be adjusted in focus, brightness, contrast and other settings as determined by the sensor assembly.
The sensor view is dependent on the position and motion of the aerial platform. Joystick input allows the sensor operator to direct the view within the limits of the simulated sensor while having to adjust to the dynamic motion of the aerial platform. The module also includes auto tracking, laser range finding and laser designation controls. An overlay provides feedback on the azimuth and elevation of the assembly, as well as various status and system mode information.
Standard simulation interfacing standards DIS and HLA are utilised for module integration and allow the simulator to be included in distributed training environments.
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Fixed Wing Flight Trainer
The Fixed Wing Flight Trainer (FWFT) is a pre-production flight trainer developed for CAD and the CSIR. The Simulator provides a safe, cost effective solution to train pilots in a realistic and controlled environment.
Cybicom (together with the CSIR) was primarily responsible for the development of the simulation system using PRESAGIS modelling and simulation software and VAPS XT interactive graphical interfaces.
Vega Prime was used to develop an IG running on three large TV monitors to provide an out of cockpit view suitable for the training of pilots of twin-engine turbo-prop aircraft. Control software was developed to utilise the COTS flight controls and to drive the virtual instrumentation developed with VAPS XT.
A Tablet Based Instructor Station Was Developed Allowing For Selection Of:
- Simulation control including fault conditions
- Location selection and start conditions
- Atmospheric conditions
- Aircraft selection
- Time and Date selection
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Helicopter Flight Trainer
Cybicom Atlas Defence (CAD) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have jointly developed a cost-effective Helicopter Flight Trainer with applications in the commercial and defence sectors. The development was born out of the Aerospace Industry Support Initiative (AISI) for the industrialisation of a rotary-wing aircraft simulator.
The main platform comprises flight controls (cyclic, collective and anti-torque pedals), a pilot seat and a visual system. The design of the visual systems is based on three units that are easily transportable, while providing a pleasing aesthetic with adjustable mountings and hidden cabling. This allows for the use of 5 large screens providing forward and downward views suitable for flight training and landing.
This simulator implements distributed simulator capabilities making it capable of joint operation with the CAD’s Helicopter Flight Deck Trainer and other Simulator Products.
The simulator is designed from inception with the ability to quickly and easily interchange modules and components to replicate a particular aircraft. The Bell 206 has been selected as the default configuration, as this is a popular civilian, single turbine helicopter seen as a primary turbine conversion trainer. This can be customised to any desired aircraft.
The simulator focuses on high-fidelity rotary-wing flight dynamics allowing for the simulation of rotary-wing aircraft with either rigid or flexible blade models and driven by either turboshaft, advanced turboshaft, or by a user-defined performance engine:
- Large transport helicopters
- Single or dual rotary
- Combat helicopters
- Remotely Piloted Vehicle / UAVs
- Rescue helicopters
- Heavy lift helicopters
HFT Technical Highlights
The simulator allows for many physics-based models that can be deployed or replaced programmatically to bring realism to your training application, including but not limited to:
- Blade Element Models
- Electrical System
- Hydraulic System
- Earth System
- Ambient System
- Winds System
- ADC System
- Weight and Balance System
- AP Logic System
- FMS Navigation System FMS Guidance System
- AP FCC System
- Engine Panel System
- Engine System
- UC Deployment System
- UC Brake System
- UC Forces System
- Flight Control System
- Rotor 1 System – Rigid Blade
- Rotor 2 System – Main Rotor Rotor 2 System – Tail Rotor
- Aerodynamic System
- Gearbox System
- EoM System
- DME System
- VOR System
- ADF System
- ILS System
- Marker Beacon Systems
- Instrument Systems
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Maritime Bridge Simulator
The CAD Maritime Bridge Simulator is designed to facilitate training of bridge teams in safe navigation of vessels as well as nearly all other aspects of commercial marine operations, such as ice navigation, anchor handling, towing, berthing, bunkering etc. The basic configuration has an integrated bridge desk with conning, radar and navigation positions. The conning console has an extension containing a configurable steering position (wheel or directional drive controls), autopilot, light panel, VHF radio, thruster controls, met station, internaI and external communications. An Integrated Platform Management workstation is normally placed remotely from the above. In addition pelorus, workdeck station and navigation cabinet simulators are available. Deck- and bulkhead repeaters are fitted appropriately.
The Maritime Bridge Simulator utilises PRESAGIS Vega Prime for high fidelity graphics and simulated environment modelling. Presagis Stage is used for scenario handling and management and implements simulation interfacing standards such as DIS and HLA for ease of integration with other similarly equipped simulators. VAPS XT has been used to recreate realistic instrumentation allowing the operator a clear concise feedback within the HMI.Image generation and display are accomplished by high-end PCs and low-bezel full-HD display wall technology. The hardware allows for deployment within a compact footprint and in facilities with low ceilings.
Vega Prime
The Maritime Bridge Simulator makes use of PRESAGIS Vega PrimeTM to render their respective 3D environments in real-time. Ideal for both high-performance and low cost hardware platforms, Vega Prime’s extensible plug-in architecture facilitates the rapid design and prototyping of real time 3D applications by utilizing the most sophisticated technology available, within an easy-to-use toolkit. Vega Prime is used to create simulation applications that are completely customizable, scalable, and leverage open standards such as CDB and OpenFlight™.
The instructor component of the Maritime Bridge Simulator is a customised version of PRESAGIS STAGETM. STAGE simulation software provides users with the ability to generate and execute complex scenarios for training and analysis. From flight simulation training to new concepts analysis, STAGE is the ideal tool for solving critical problems in simulation applications, including:
- System Specification and Design Analysis
- Training
- Virtual Test Bench
The Following Are Key Features Of The Bridge Simulator:
- View from naval bridge with realistic ship motion.
- Multi-video wall displays.
- Multifunction bridge consoles.
- Realistic helm controls.
- Tactical Picture Overview and WECDIS functionality.
- Simulated RADAR Display.
- Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) instruments.
- Scenario definition.
- Compact installation footprint including facilities with low ceilings.
- Control over all simulated entities, including vessels, aircraft and helicopters.
- Set time of day.
- Control over weather conditions, including:
- Sea state
- Cloud cover
- Precipitation
- Visibility/Fog
PRESAGIS VAPS XTTM is used to create the Instrumentation Displays. VAPS XT provides a rapid prototyping, design, and deployment environment for the creation of 2D and 3D photorealistic graphical displays, including instrumentation and equipment models, specifically for real time 3D simulation and training applications.
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Helicopter Flight Deck Trainer
The Helicopter Flight Deck Trainer (HFDT) is designed to provide joint training for Flight Deck Controllers (FDC) and marine helicopter pilots. The simulator provides a safe, cost effective solution to train personnel in a realistic and controlled environment.
The simulation system combines custom developed gesture recognition software and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) motion tracking hardware, PRESAGIS modelling and simulation software, the STAGE scenario generation tool and VAPS XT interactive graphical interfaces.
The HFDT is a flexible modular system that can be supplied in various levels, from a simple, portable, desktop trainer to a multichannel, high-performance tracking system that can accommodate multiple trainees and provide a 360º high-fidelity simulation with full environmental simulation. The system can easily be extended to include further components to meet requirements such as Flight Deck Officer (FDO) training and even full team training when integrated with a bridge simulator.
The system can be configured such that the helicopter will automatically respond to the signals given by the FDC or used with a basic helicopter model controlled by an instructor or helicopter pilot. If a higher fidelity helicopter model is required the HFDT and can be integrated with existing helicopter simulators or speak to us about a custom solution.
- FDC View from helideck with ship motion.
- FDC communication with bridge.
- Motion tracking to allow for:
- Change to FDC point of view.
- Rendering of FDC signals as seen by the helicopter pilot.
- Input of helicopter pilot hand signal for rendering on the FDC display.
- Helicopter flight instruments.
- Accurate deck markings including lights and horizontal stabiliser bar.
- Scenario definition.
- Control over all entities, including marine vessels, aircraft and helicopters.
- Set time of day.
- Control over weather conditions, including:
- Sea state
- Cloud cover
- Precipitation
- Visibility/Fog
- Different landing platforms, including:
- Ships helidec
- Oilrig
- Aircraft carrier
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Navigation Sensor Emulator
The Navigation Sensor Emulator (NSE) is a man portable multi-sensor stimulator and emulator system that can be used for test or emulation purposes.
The NSE is comprised of multiple single board computers (SBCs) with multi-channel programmable serial IO daughter cards that are controlled via a Real-Time Operating System, proprietary software and device drivers.
The NSE makes use of distributed computing software that allows for multiple sensors to be simulated at one time. The NSE was developed for use by the South African Navy (SAN) on their Heroine Class Submarines and in the Engineering Test Bed (ETB) Facility. As such the NSE has been developed with portability and ruggedness in mind.
On-board, the NSE can be connected to the Navigation Data Management Centre (NDMC), which provides a data collection point for the various navigation sensors installed on the SAN Heroine Class Submarines. The connection to the NDMC is a plug-n-play design where a sensor can be disconnected at the NDMC and replaced by the NSE’s physical connection. Various test modes allow for data interface testing and inspection. Both single and multi-packet modes are catered for, as well as the ability to simulate faults. This can be by way of data rate deviation, data corruption or random data errors.
The NSE also provides for a scenario based simulation where (currently) up to 14 simulated sensors provide data based on a single scenario. This simulated navigation data is then used to stimulate the NDMC in a way that is indistinguishable from a real-world situation or scenario.
In the ETB mode the NSE is used to integrate various systems and simulators to provide for a Team Trainer Simulator. In this mode the NSE operates as an NDMC Emulator, providing simulated sensor data to the ETB environment, as well as linking the Periscope Simulator to the ETB ISUS System within the ETB Facility.
Simulation and emulation within the ETB Environment is controlled via a scenario generator that allows an operator to configure a scenario via HMI inputs. This provides for team training in a realistic environment while also providing a high-fidelity system for the testing and integration of new hardware and software in a controlled and safe manner.
- Windows XP Embedded
- InTime RTOS overlay
- Scalable architecture
- Ruggedised housing
- Man transportable
- Able to pass through the SAN Heroine Class hatchway
- 22 bytes sent within 2ms per channel (8 SIO channels @115200 baud)